Pain Killers: Getting off is hard to do...

Archive for September, 2009

How do I get off pain pills at home?

I saw a question from someone in a forum I belong to, asking “how do I get off pain pills at home?”. This is what the outpatient program is all about, doing it at home and not in a long term inpatient treatment facility.

This is why I put this report together for people to be able to get clean at home, and not have to miss work or school. It also saves people the embarrassment of having people find out that you have a drug problem, by being able to treat this at home.

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Addicted to Oxycontin

I find it funny that they call it hillbilly heroin, but it’s a problem in America. I added another sales page for my report here:

I am very happy with the success of this report and how much it’s gotten out there because it means that people are finding their way off of the crap.

I was talking to someone earlier this week, who was having trouble getting off the crap and found my report. She was able to get to a doctor the very next day, and entered the outpatient program and had her Suboxone within 2 hours. She emailed me later that day to tell me how much of a miracle drug it was for her too.

She was in her 2nd-3rd day of withdrawal and right after taking her first dose, the pain was gone, the anxiety and depression was gone, her attitude did a 180 degree turn around. She also said for the first time in several years she felt as if there was hope for her. That she would be able to do this thing called getting clean.She hasn’t taken any pain killers since and is on her way to recovery.

It really makes me happy to hear these things from people who email me. This is what I felt too when I got on the program with Suboxone, I felt like I had hope and was able to get off that shit. Man, I can’t tell you how happy I am to be off of that stuff. It controlled every aspect of my life. It was not cool.

Anyway I am going to go enjoy the rest of the day and take my daughter for a walk to the park and push her in the swings. That was something I couldn’t do before without making sure I had some painkillers with me on the walk. Freedom from active addiction is such a wonderful feeling. 🙂

I hope everyone else has a great day!!!

Larry C.

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How to get treatment for Painkiller Addiction

I wrote a short article on how to get treatment for Painkiller Addiction at

If anyone is interested it’s here:

I hope everythign is good with everyone, Thanks to all the people who have been emailing me this past week. I am glad to hear things are going good.

Larry C.

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How to get off of Painkillers

I just want to thank everyone who has been emailing me and contacting me and giving me good feedback. I also want to thank all of you who have gotten the report and emailed me after you have gotten off off the pain killers, and also given me more good feedback. But I want to tell all of you who have done it, thank YOU for doing it. I means a LOT to me that it’s working so well. I really mean that.

I really was so happy the day I got off of painkillers, so happy I cried. It had been wrecking my life so much and it was a stupid little pill that was controlling my life, and making me miserable. When I had a few months clean it struck me to help others with a report on how to do it and how to make it simple and easy. I had talked to my friends who had kicked without anything or any help at all. They expressed to me how they wished they had something that made it so easy, like it did for me.

It really was that easy to get off of painkillers with the help of buprenorphine. One day I was hooked on vicodin, the next day I was off of them and had a 180 degree shift in attitude and demeanor. It was incredible, easy and it can work for you too.

My report is only $9.97, it will save you Hundreds and hours of time and frustration. what are you waiting for? I mean it seems like a no brainer.

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Scamming Painkillers, It’s a shame.

I was looking at my counter stats the other day and saw a search someone had done: “Scam painkillers”, meaning they wanted to know how to scam doctors for pain killers. I personally haven’t done that but I have at least at one time felt like doing it. In order to feed my habit. Being addicted to painkillers sucks. I know, I’ve been there and wrecked that.

That’s why when I got of finally I wrote the report I sell on this site. I was able to get off and stay off thanks to Suboxone and the help I received from others doing the same thing. If you are addicted to painkillers I would suggest you get my report to help save you hundreds of dollars in expenses and hours of frustration on the net trying to find the easiet way to get off of painkillers. I’ve already done it and I document everything you need to know right there.

Anyway I am off to go eat breakfast and get to work. yes I know it’s a holiday but I love to work. I write for a living now and this is what I do.

have a great, safe and drug free holiday folks.

Larry C.

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