Pain Killers: Getting off is hard to do...

The Solution

How To Get Off Painkillers

I want to talk to you about how to get off painkillers and the solution I found that helped me to get off of them, but I am also going to tell you some things you need to know that websites DON’T tell you, such as how to get it and how to find a doctor who is allowed to use it. That’s right, not all doctors are certified to handle this medication, but I will tell you all about that down below.

The Solution I found to getting off of Painkillers without the painful and disabling withdrawal is a medication called Buprenorphine, Buprenorphine has several brand names such as Suboxone® and Subotex®, but Buprenorphine is the main name.This medication has at times been called “a Miracle Drug” because it makes it so easy to get off of opiates. It is being used with great effect for opiate/painkiller addiction treatment, and making follow up treatment even more successful.  With the use of buprenorphine recovery rates are up and occurance of relaspe is down.

Outpatient Buprenorphine treatment is also a very cost effective treatment especially for those without insurance. Consider this, for treatment in a facility in California for one person with an opiate dependence, it can cost anywhere from $10,000 up to $40,000. Whereas if a person were to go with outpatient Buprenorphine treatment it would cost approximately $200 for one months worth of buprenorphine, and about$200 for outpatient after care treatment. One could go even more cost effective by joining a 12 step program instead of an outpatient counseling program.

This is a great and can be an affordable way for someone to get the treatment they need, especially if they need to be able to continue working while going thru detox and have a day to day life they just can’t skip out on for a few weeks to get clean. Read below regarding pricing, as it varies from doctor to doctor.

The perfect Solution for me was buprenorphine , and it worked very well for my need to get off of my pain pill addiction, and allow me to continue with day to day business.

Here’s a list of some of my experiences:

  • It stopped the withdrawal pain in my muscles and joints within 30-60 minutes of taking it.
  • I didn’t have any anxiety from withdrawal within 30-60 minutes of taking it.
  • I didn’t have any depression from the withdrawal within 30-60 minutes of taking it.
  • My mood and emotional state did a complete 180-degree turn after taking it. I was happy. I felt great. I felt like it had given me my life back just as my doctor said it would. Seriously. I had not felt this good in several years. In fact, I hadn’t felt that good since BEFORE I ever started taking Vicodin.
  • The anxiety of leaving the house and going to work disappeared, almost instantly, so that I could go back to work and be productive. In fact, I have been so productive since being off the Vicodin and being on the buprenorphine that I am able to work almost 7 days a week.
  • The whole experience was as if I had never been addicted to pain pills at all, and the clock was turned back to a time before I started taking it.

My overall experience was very good and I recommend it to all who seek to get off of pain pills.

The part they don’t tell you…

There are a few things you need to know in order to get this medication, and it isn’t the easiest thing to get because of rules and regulations.  I will be going over ALL of this in a moment. I am also going to tell you how to go about finding a doctor, who has room in his program, and about finding one who isn’t going to charge an arm and a leg for treatment. So there are several things you need to watch for and I am going to go into them here.

Knowing what the medication is, is a good start, but you need to know a few other things about getting a doctor and being put on it. You can’t just get it from any doctor, not all doctors know about this medication and not all doctors will use this medication even if they know about it.

Doctors you can get buprenorphine treatment from have to have a special certification to be able to use it for opiate abuse treatment. Specifically only physicians with a special “X” number issued by the DEA(Drug Enforcement Agency) may prescribe it for opioid addiction treatment.  The trick is finding one of these doctors.

Next, thedoctors certified to use this treament are LIMITED to treating only 30 patients at any one time with this medication, due to the DEA regulations. So even if you find a doctor near you, you have to find out if they have room in their treatment program to allow you in. Many of these private practices that use outpatient buprenorphine treatment are full with people for this type of treatment.  This treatment can last several months to several years per person, so getting on a waiting list can be a bummer. Want to know how to bypass this? Read on.

While above I quoted approximately $200 for medication and $200 per month for in office outpatient treatment, that was an average for a area in California. I paid quite a bit less than that for my treatment in San Diego, in fact I paid $50 for induction, $35 copay for medication each month, and a $150 package for 3 treatment sessions, with the treatment sessions being once a month. I was also in a 12 step group and still am today.  I did my research and hunted around and found a great doctor that didn’t want my first born son for this treatment. You shouldn’t have to pay absorbitant rates to get off of the pain killers, and I feel anyone addicted should be able to get the help they need and deserve for a relatively fair price.

Finding an affordable doctor or treatment program can be a hard part because most professionals in private practice are for-profit businesses.  America’s free enterprise system allows these professionals to charge what they feel is fair or what they feel the treatment is worth and it is up to the individual physicians to accept or not accept private insurance. So some of these doctors will charge an arm and a leg for this treatment, because they can and they know people are DESPERATE to get off opiates, and people will pay to get off of them too! I needed the help, I paid for it, it worked and I am happy that I found this solution and I was even happier to be able to afford it.

Private practice doctors can charge anywhere from $75 for initial visit(Induction) up to $2,500 for initial visits with monthly follow ups costing anywhere from $60 to $600 per month. Now its starting to get a little expensive right? Unfortunatly, this is how private practice works sometimes.

I have put together a document called “The Pain Report: How to get off of Painkillers”. It is a compilation of resources I put together to help you find doctors near you do who use buprenorphine treatment that you can afford. I sell this report for only $14.97 and will help you save time, money and frustration when trying to find a doctor to help you get off the painkillers.

The Pain Report

For $14.97 you will get…

  • My report that is regularly updated with the most CURRENT information available.
  • A system that doesn’t involve long-term inpatient rehab.
  • My Story of trial, failure, and then success.
  • The links to get free drug cards that will save you HUNDREDS of dollars.
  • Super Easy Step by Step instructions so you can do this today and be off the drug as soon as tomorrow, or you can do it when YOU are ready. It’s up to you.
  • The list of questions you NEED to ask before signing any paperwork, in order to make sure you save thousands of dollars, and make sure there are no hidden fee or charges.
  • I give you the resources to find treatment facilities that use buprenorphine.
  • I give you the resources to find the closest professionals near you, who use buprenorphine and want to help you.
  • I give you the resources to find the closest counselors/therapists who work with this treatment program.
  • I give you the resources to find to get financial assistance if you don’t have insurance.
  • I give you the resources to find the closest pharmacies that stock buprenorphine.
  • I give you the resources to find ongoing help and support for aftercare.
  • Resources with real patients success stories, in writing, in video and on youtube.
  • Lists of online forums and support groups for all you internet junkies. 🙂
  • The knowledge that I, Myself, within 24 hours of getting a hold of a doctor, have done this method and I am still clean from pain killers, with NO CRAVINGS at all and NO DESIRES,
  • The Knowledge that many others like yourself have done the same method, are clean and are still clean, by doing the same method I outline in my report. You are NOT alone.
  • Even if you have tried over and over and failed, this method can work for you.
  • You also get something, personal from me, that you will only know about after you get the report.

What you will not get:

  • A bunch of mumbo jumbo, mantra, or weird stuff.
  • Old out dated, out moded methods for getting off drugs.
  • A bunch of re-hashed old used up junk.
  • A bunch of BS.

Pain killer withdrawal is excruciatingly painful and severe, learn how to avoid that by getting my report.

For your safety, I am a Paypal verified seller. I have conducted hundreds of sales though Paypal-(can be verified through Paypal), and I will not have access to your credit card information.

Upon successful completion of a payment you will have IMMEDIATE access to the report for download, and you will also receive a confirmation email with another download link for downloading at a later time if you need.

I look forward to helping you and hearing your success story from the ravages of painkiller addiction.

The Pain Report


The Pain Report: How to get off of Pain Killers


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Buy Now for $14.97

P.S.- In case you’re nervous about ordering from somebody you don’t know, I want to reassure you that you’re not dealing with some fly-by-nighter. I am an easy-to-find computer consultant in San Diego. I just want to help people get through what I have already been though, as easily as possible.


Let me ask you this: You can go research the internet and try to find all the stuff in my report. You can spend hours or days trying to find it all, and still not find it, and you would spend hundreds of dollars more on treatment, or would you rather save that money by spending only $14.97 ? If you would rather save the hundreds of dollars then just buy the report. It’s only $14.97 and comes with a money back guarantee. You can’t lose.

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71 Responses to “The Solution”

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  1. Pierre B. says:

    I have been taking buprenorphine for about one year- for pain management. Lately, I have been trying to get off of the drug, but I think that I have become addicted to it. After going about 20 hours without the medication, I start to feel terrible: my stomach and chest starts aching, and I start feeling like I am aching all over (even my brain is literally aching), and I feel like I cannot think clearly. I want to isolate myself from everyone and everything, and I feel like I just cannot handle it anymore. I feel desperate for relief, and when I take another dose, it seems like a miracle- that I feel normal once again. I don’t know how I am going to stop this addiction- unless I end up going to jail, or someplace where the medication will not be available to me, and I will just have to suffer through it (and then I won’t care what people think, or how I respond to them). Addiction is terrible, and no opiate is different from any other opiate- the addiction is the same for all of them- including buprenorphine.

    1. Larry C. says:

      Hi Pierre, welcome to the site. My withdrawal from Bup was a looooong 30 day process. I had to wean myself down till I was taking only crumbs and then I jumped off. I went through the worst withdrawal I’ve ever felt. Regular opiates weren’t like Bup withdrawal, they were easier. I’d go through a week of the withdrawal and my day seven I finally was feeling better but day 8 the withdrawal process seemed to start all over again. I went in that cycle for 4 weeks, a total of 30 days. by day 31 I pretty much finally felt like I was almost normal. BUp is different from other “regular” opiates in that it is a partial opiate that is similar to methadone, it’s kick is way hard. I’m not a doctor but if you intend on getting off, talk to your doctor first and plan a weaning schedule. and then stick to it. NA meetings might help with the support you need in person. Also if you have access to a place that can give you vitmain b shots do that as well. I’ve been researching this and the B shots really help with the withdrawal and pain associated with withdrawal. Also make sure you get some Melissa Supreme. Good luck,

  2. Judy R says:

    Oh, and I forgot your report, would that be helpful to him for after care?

    1. Larry C. says:

      If he’s already detoxing without suboxone, then no.

  3. Judy R says:

    Larry, I want to thank you for this site. My son is in detox right now(from Oxy, from a knee injury) I am wondering if your methods will help him when he gets out. I have downloaded your news letter and will subscribe to what ever is needed. He really needs to go back to work, when he gets out and after reading everything I am wondering if this is even possible, I Thank you so much.I am hoping you can advise me, so I can help him through this.

    1. Larry C. says:

      Most likely, but he may also need some support, like from NA. Detox gets people off the drugs, but they don’t give them the tools needed to stay off. Certain social situations can trigger a person to go back to the pills. He will need support from someone with experience in this, typically NA is the best place to go.

      1. Judy R says:

        Thank you for your quick response, I am hoping that they will have some kind of after care groups, like NA and he will go. I am also wondering if all of the herbs and vitamins that you have suggested, will be helpful after his detox. What about the suboxone? Not sure if that is a good idea or not. I hope these questions aren’t too dumb, but I am just so ill-informed about all of this until I came across your site.

        1. Larry C. says:

          If he’s already in detox he doesn’t need the suboxone. The herbs will help definitely.

  4. lacey says:

    I’m actually doing great now 🙂 I was kind of concerned about that also but I really don’t have an addictive personality. The valium just helped me get over the withdrawals and just pretty much able to sleep it off for 3 days. after that I was fine. Its day 7 now and I’m up like I use to be I still have cravings but I know I can’t fight it off because I don’t ever want to take them devils again

    1. Larry C. says:

      Glad to hear it. Glad to hear you don’t have an addictive personality though you still crave them. 🙂
      It’s not about personality, it’s about addiction. Two totally different things.
      But congrats!

  5. lacey says:

    I have seeked support from all of the sites before and a lot of good information comes from them but what I find works wonders is valium. I’m lucky enough to have that around and to sleep at night soundly I take a muscle relaxer and it helps with the restless leg syndrome. It’s nearly impossible to sleep. If you take valium throughout the day your able to cope (around the house i mean). I am on day 3 now and I’m pretty much doing fine. I wake up in the morning I take a half of the 10 milligram valium that I have, takea hot shower eat a banana sit down watch tv and relax. Then il take them as needed. then when it’s time to go to sleep I will take my methocarbamol and pass out to start over the next day. My withdrawals have almost subsided:-) I don’t need as much valium I can’t believe how time flies because when I tried to quit before I remember watching the clock in the days would seem like Weeks

    1. Larry C. says:

      That’s great Lacey. Glad to hear it, but hopefully you don’t become addicted to the valium you’re using to get off the painkillers. Let us know how you’re doing by checking in…
      Good luck ..

  6. Rick says:

    What this nice person who is making money off of our addictions is failing to mention is that many people find that suboxone is far harder to kick than hydrocodone or oxy’s. A friend has been trying for over a year to discontinue them for her hydro addiction. There are lots of horror stories; Google them. I tapered from the hydros, had a horrible ten days, a bad two months and I’m done. I did try the suboxone for a short time and it made withdrawal much harder for me. She’s right about no symptoms while you’re on it. I felt fine and had lots of energy, my long term issue. But, you’re miserable as hell when you quit. See methodone…. Good luck to all.

    1. Larry C. says:

      Hi Rick, we talk all about htis and the problems with subxone as well as the benefits of it. Not making any money off this, not getting rich at all. Wanna see my bank statements?
      Have a great Easter Rick!!!

      1. Rick says:

        Sorry, Larry. I’m at four weeks and a little cynical at the moment. No energy. The sub would help but, for me, it’s ultimately worse.

        Hope you had a nice holiday.


        1. Larry C. says:

          4 Weeks of what? Suboxone detox? I took me 30 days of withdrawal before I was done. and I’d only been on it for 8 months at 8mg a day.
          I’ll not do that again.
          No worries. I know what you’re going through.

          1. Rick says:

            Thanks. No suboxone. 4 weeks off of hydrocodone – 120 10’s a month for last 3 years. I stopped once before using suboxone. I tapered for a couple of weeks then quit. I know it’s not a lot compared to some, and the common symptoms weren’t horrible (a little, maybe) but the exhaustion thing is killing me. Best regards.

          2. Rick says:

            Hey Larry

            I’ve done a lot more reading on the site. As you can tell, I have an issue with subxone, mainly my perception and experience that the cure is worse than the problem.

            You are right; adverse experiences are discussed, including your own. I guess maybe for some people it beats the alternatives but, not for me.

            At any rate, wanted to apologize for my opening remarks. I thought you were just promoting the book and not spending the time you do helping people on the site. Very commendable. Someday when I get any energy back, I’ll try to pay it forward. Funny, I quit drinking 34 years ago and never looked back. Easy compared to this.



            1. Larry C. says:

              No worries Rick, My opinion of Suboxone has changed considerable after being on and off it. But for me it was what I needed to get away from the opiates. I would get off them but they would keep nagging me, with suboxone I had no nag, even when kicking.
              Yeah, I’ve had my share of trying to get off the painkillers which is why I run this site. I don’t get rich off this but I do get fulfillment.
              Hope you’re feeling better!

    2. Nancy says:

      Hello all,
      I am a patient who took subutex and suboxone for a year and a half, 24 mg a day. Unfortunately my doctor was not very concerned for my welfare and in my opinion had me on extremely high doses to keep me addicted. I had very low emotional states, times when I had no lust for life, no sex drive, and no drive period. Sure I could function, I had my program and I was able to take a leave off work, but something wasn’t right. When I decided it was time to stop, my doctor cut me off and I had 120 8mg tabs to ween down with. The next three months of my life were hell. If taken the right way and detoxed appropriately, it can save lives. My experience was horrendous and painful, not just for me, but my family. I went into severe withdrawals that lasted for months with no energy, no nothing. The pain was excruciating. I have since relapsed and am right back where I started. Just be sure the doctor you see is reputable and is not doing it just for the money. I know that’s hard to know, and all you want is to feel better, but I truly feel like I lost two years of my life, only to be back at the beginning.
      I wish all of you all the best in your recovery, God bless.

  7. Keith says:

    Similar story, different person….

    Back injury. Took Oxys and/or morphine TRs to help and they did.
    For a year I went on fentanyl patches and they were great.
    I was able to work and not think about taking pills on time.
    When I ran out, I tapered off to smaller and smaller pieces of patches and only experienced 2 days of tremors.
    Not fun shaking uncontrollably, but no insomnia or major depression either.
    But now 5 years later I’m trying to stop all opiates completely and it’s been hell.

    A few things about me. I’m a male, but very small and about 130 lbs.
    It doesn’t take much medication for me to feel a large change and I’ve always been very responsible in how much and often I took things.
    I know I’m not like many I’ve read about who have been shooting heroin and/or taking huge amounts of opiates far beyond what I’ve been doing, but I’m suffering terribly nonetheless.
    I thought such small amounts would help me either not become addicted or make withdrawal easier, but I was wrong.

    Last Tues I had two molars pulled.
    The dentist gave me thirty 10mg hydrocodones.
    I went through them in about 4 days, though was still in pain and followed the vics with more oxys.
    That Saturday night, I took my last 5mg oxy and had no more available, so I said to myself that this was a good time to quit.
    The next day was a drag, but not terrible.
    The days after were much, much harder though.
    What surprised me was that I didn’t have cravings or that much pain.
    What I did have was 80+ hours of no sleep and no end in sight.
    Just staring at the clock as the minutes ticked away and the ability to do nothing.
    Not even turn on the computer.
    No matter what I did or took (chamomile, melatonin, every OTC sleep aid, wine, pot, etc), NOTHING helped me sleep.
    One day I only got 10-20 mins. The next, almost 1 hr.
    I thought this would be a trend and I’d get more sleep the next day and so on, but the following 2-3 days I couldn’t sleep a wink and it was driving me absolutely crazy.
    I couldn’t sit still.
    I was on the bed, off the bed, would take a bath, close my eyes and nothing happened.
    I reasoned with myself that suicide would be better since I’d never have enough money to retire, treat my pain or get off these things anyway.
    I’m still harboring such thoughts.

    On the 4th day of no sleep, my wife told me she had a 10mg oxy stashed away.
    Despite no cravings, I desperately wanted to sleep, so I took about 1/3 of it and immediately fell asleep for a couple of hours.
    My stomach calmed down, the diarrhea ceased (thanks Immodium AD) but I felt like an idiot for taking more of what I was trying to stop.
    I felt like I caved in.

    So here I am now: I’ve recopped more oxys because I’m terrified about going back through these past days of hell.
    I simply couldn’t take any more of the non-sleep and jitters.

    I, perhaps wrongly, think that maybe I can taper down this time instead of going cold turkey and this way I can still function and sleep a little each day.
    I don’t know if I can, but it’s all I have going right now.
    I live in a rural community, have no money or insurance and no medical help anywhere near me.
    I also figure that those 30 hydrocodones made things worse, especially when going cold turkey immediately afterward on both them and the oxys.
    I additionally am telling myself that if I could stop fentanyl, I could stop this.

    But I’m terrified now.
    I’ve told myself that what I did was like jumping from a 2nd story window to get to the ground and I should have used the stairs.
    I got hurt obviously making such a huge leap at once.
    But I’m very scared that even if I do successfully taper down in 1/4s and 1/2s to zero, all of this will start over again at the same intensity and duration, perhaps even longer.
    Am I right? Wrong? No way to know?
    My wife suggested that I wait until the very last moment I can stand it and then take the smallest amount to thwart it and get to sleep.
    Maybe time and lower amounts will slowly adjust me. (?)
    I’m very concerned that these past several days I went through were not only for nothing and that I will end up in the same exact place again later on.
    Can someone tell me, reassure me, that tapering down over time and this time not having just finished a run of hydrocodones will make things easier this next time?
    I just want to know if I’m doing the best I can with what I have.

    Again, I have no medical help or even potential or opportunity for any.
    I’m out in the sticks without even enough gas to get to our next town, population 4000.
    Can anyone tell me if I’m going to go through the same hell again?
    Do you think the 4 or so days I abstained means anything to my brain at all?
    Perhaps when I run out of what I have now, I might be able to sleep?

    It’s the day after day, night after night anxiety and lack of sleep that kill me.
    My back is better than before and I think I can do without the drugs now, but I’m absolutely terrified of the insomnia and jitters.
    I AM better today, but I took 10mg of oxy again too.
    This being 4 days after last taking my usual amount: 6-8 5mg oxys a day.
    Can I hope this will be a positive trend and that these past days of zero opiates meant something to my brain?
    Or does it all start over from zero no matter how little I took again or how much time passed between?
    Will it take weeks or months of abstinence until my endorphins start up again?
    Did I screw everything up by starting again, no matter how small or how late?

    Thanks for any help or input.
    I would go to NA or seek specialized help if they weren’t 500+ miles away and could afford it.
    But I’m on my own and terribly dismayed that I may have just gone through major hell for nothing.

    1. Larry C. says:

      Yes you pretty much are at square one again. You can taper down and would probably be helpful but eventually you’ll have to just stop taking them. You WILL experience some uncomfortable withdrawal. A habit is a habit no matter how big or small.

      I suggest reading these posts:
      and this one, but also read ALL the comments at the end of the post:

      It will give you some support.
      Did you sign up for my newsletter? if not DO SO. you will get the free recipe to help with the withdrawals and will definitely help you. OR you can read about it here:

      Keep us posted on how you are doing…

      1. Keith says:

        Thank you very much for your extremely quick reply.

        Well, so far I’ve not gone back to either the horrible withdrawals or taking any more oxy than I previously took today, the latter being considerably less than I used to regularly take daily.
        So that’s a start and hopefully in the right direction.

        I did previously read all the posts you mentioned above (thank you!) and they were helpful.
        Obviously everyone is an individual and my success or failure will also be individually my own, but I had to make a choice what was worse: going mad from no sleep or taking the most minimum amount I could to get back to normalcy. I couldn’t even have written a post a day or two ago. I was that bad.
        I am also somewhat convinced that my withdrawals were made considerably worse by the hydrocodone I was recently prescribed.
        It’s not something I normally take and previous to having the oral surgery was taking an increased amount of oxy for the tooth pain.
        So I’m hoping.. respectfully.. that you’re not completely correct. 😉
        I may have to start again at square one, but the steps should be smaller than what I attempted to do.
        I hope so anyway.

        1. Larry C. says:

          There is cross tolerance from all opiates, so it makes no difference if it was oxycodone or hydrocodone, their all opiodes.
          Withdrawal, the thick of it doesn’t usually set in until the 2nd or 3rd day, the hard part. Yeah I hope I’m not entirely right either but from personal experience and others, I think I can safely say you’re probably going to start feeling it again, tomorrow. But please come back and keep us updated.
          BTW the sleeplessness goes with all opiate withdrawals, not matter how small the habit. It’s also why they use it in torture, because it’s effective at driving people crazy and then they just want to give in.
          Good luck and let us know how it’s going

          1. Keith says:

            Larry, again thank you.

            Well, I did have a hard time last night.
            I took 2.5 mgs of oxy and was no better.
            Took another 2.5 mgs an hour later and suddenly was “myself” again.
            Got 4 hrs of sleep. The most I’ve had in a week.
            However I also took melatonin earlier and so was subjected to a technicolor dream extravaganza.
            Oh well. At least the dreaming indicated I had slept some, even if it wasn’t a terribly refreshing sleep.

            Given that I tried myself to stay off them for almost 5 days and found myself going crazy (from insomnia and anxiety, not cravings), I have now contacted a detox facility.
            They were very nice and helpful and stated approx a $300 cost and 10 day inpatient program.
            I think I’m going to go.

            I would also like to mention that prior to this, I was taking Lyrica (pregablin) to stave off cravings.
            It worked, but was a complete hell in itself to withdraw from.
            I made it through that myself ok and perhaps that’s now the reason I have low cravings, but I wanted to warn folks that Lyrica itself can be extremely difficult to withdraw from.

  8. Michael says:

    Hey Larry, just finished reading all 47 comments. I’m like everyone else here of course, and just as worried about how to stay off after the worst WD’s fade in a few days. I’ve cleaned up for no more than 2 weeks about 4-5 times in the last 2 years, but seem to find myself back on it again after the hardest part is done.

    Just thought I should say I’m impressed you’ve taken the time to respond to almost every comment with courtesy, including the few who questioned the moral issues of selling information. We’ve all got eat and you obviously want to help.


    1. Larry C. says:

      Thanks Michael, you should read the comments over here:

      My problem was the same as yours, after a week or two I was back at it. I found that the lack of endorphins/depression kept me going back over and over again. That was when I tried the suboxone and it helped out immensely for the withdrawals and the depression. I think that’s one of the things that keep people going back over and over again is the depression and lack of endorphins. If you work out things will get better. Even if it’s just a walk everyday, a fast one where you work up a sweat. You’ll start to feel better towards the end of the walk and they in turn start to become addictive but in a good way.

  9. sean says:

    Larry I find all this very inspirational, and am happy to see I am not alone with trying to seek help. I was taking about 80-100mgs of oxycodone per day. I have been off for well over 3 months yet every day I feel the lack of energy and strength. I’m positive the detoxification has occurred but I still feel the symptoms identical to those that starting only after I stopped taking the pills. Needless to say with such a prolonged period of everlasting diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, headaches I was released from my employer. Now I’m jobless for what I felt was best for myself, and all I can think about is to use again and feel and I hate to say it like thus but “normal”. I am 23 years old, I feel like I’m 90. I really don’t know what to do. I really hope you have a suggestion, I have no one to talk to and no funds to seek medical attention for my problem. Thanks for your time.

  10. Sherry Jenkins says:

    My daughter is addicted to opiates and now is shooting up herion. How can I get her off of all of it? She is 22 years old and a mother of two small boys. She has no insurance of any kind and can’t afford to pay big money to help her get straight again. She is worring my husband and I to death and we are raising her children. Please recommend someone for her or a place she can go to that is free. Thank you for your help. Sherry Jenkins

    1. Larry C. says:

      Sherry I will send you an email…

  11. Carolyn says:

    Oh and I’m glad people share their stories on this website. I know it helped me tremendously while getting through physical withdrawals thanks!!

  12. Carolyn says:

    Hey does anyone know if naltrexone helps with endorphins. I have a script from when I went to rapid detox. I am going to find a na meeting to start attending to get further support but right now I just have no motivation and no energy and just want to find a way to feel better without using!!!!!

  13. Carolyn says:

    I hope it gets better but I have to deal with this cuz going back to drugs cannot happen– thanks Larry– I will check in every week or so to update! Do u have another antidepressant suggestion other than wellbutrin– I used to take that and lexapro and paxil and effexor and seraquel but none really worked– or maybe it was the drug use that made them not work??

    1. Larry C. says:

      I would talk to the psych about antidepressants. I’m not a doc but wellbutrin worked for me.

  14. Carolyn says:

    i have been on heroin ( inject about 10-15 bags a day) and oxy 80’s ( about 8 a day) for the past 13 years– I have been on methadone for 8 years but always supplemented it with heroin and Xanax– I have been on suboxone for 2 years but couldn’t do the withdrawal and I went to rapid detox $15000 later just to relapse– I just went cold turkey off heroin and have now been without it for about 3 weeks— I am through with the physical withdrawal but now I have no energy, feel mentally worthless and dont know if I can even work– I understand it takes awhile for endorphins to come back but how do u jumpstart endorphins if u r too tired to excercise. My other problem is I started drinking to deal with all this and I am soooo scared I can never be happy drug and alcohol free. I have tried almost every rehab program known in the past but I still think of heroin every day– what do I do?? Please help!!!!

    1. Larry C. says:

      Hi Carolyn, thanks for sharing your story. If you haven’t already checked it out, I would say go check out Narcotic Anonymous and get around a group of people who can properly support you through all this. It is imperative. I would them maybe go see a psychiatrist and see what he thinks about an antidepressant like wellbutrin. but that’s all.

      You’re going through PAWS, post acute withdrawal syndrome, and judging from your 13 years of using, you’re going to be going through a while of it. I know the feeling of no energy, not even to exercise, but start small, baby steps. just walk around the block. Then try twice around the block. then try a little more until you are doing more and you will feel so much better than just sitting around doing nothing. I guarantee it. Please keep checking back and give us a progress report. ok? It will get better…

  15. Jen-serenity says:

    I want to preface this comment by saying I have benefitted from the time and energy it took you to put this together just TODAY. I used your Thomas recipe alternative list and sent a friend to the local health food store for me. (BTW, the Melissa Supreme rocks!!) the only two items I kept from Thomas was the L-Tyrosine and clonidine for cold sweats and tachychardia. (outpatient sub doctor prescribed and only taken after I check my blood pressure) AND I have not purchased and read your manual, so you may very well cover this; BUT I think it is extremely important to note that sub is an OPIATE. PERIOD. Yes, it can be helpful for long-term recovery care or whatever the drug rehabilitaion world is calling “extended suboxone use” these days- but you will in fact have to withdraw from it-and it may very well be worse than any detox from a short-acting opiate such as percocet or vicodin, due to it’s complex half-life. Perhaps this should have been included in my preface, since it very well is affecting me today, in fact it is my whole world today, I’m on day 3/almost 4 of suboxone withdrawal. This is my third try. I’ve been on for 2 years-started at 8 mg of suboxone-HATED it-turned me into a zombie,and I got very, very nasty headaches. I was later switched to 2 mg of subutex (the bupe w/out the naloxene) and it was then that I fell in love. The doctor thought perhaps 8 was too high a dose or I was allergic to the naloxene. BUT, he was content w/keeping me “at my low dose” for as long as I wanted. (I got addicted after being prescribed for genuine pain) By the Grace of God, somewhere along my journey I started attending a 12-step-program. For those people low on funds-these meetings are damn near free and they have saved my life!!!!!! I didn’t think I would fit in; my addict brain told me, “you don’t belong there, your not like those people-you started taking those pills from a legitimate prescription.” PLEASE, if anyone reading this takes away one thing- we can’t do this alone and we don’t have too. I tried kicking 8 times on my own or with help from “friends” it don’t work. The people that I have met in these meeting rooms-have come to my house with Gatorade, have dragged me out of my house and driven me to a meeting, have gone to the store for me and have offered countless shoulders to lean on. Yes, some of my closest program friends have stories similar to mine and are around my same age, but the really, special friendships are w/ the people that I would have never met in a million years if it wasn’t for the bond we share-we were all addicts!! The power of seeing people nod their heads when u share about digging thru trash w/a flashlight because maybe a pill bottle still had residue-is priceless. SO, long story short- if ur real concern is the pain of withdrawal-do it now or do it later-but it it a necessary evil. I no longer wish to change my past actions (oh, the gift of serenity) but I would tell anyone thinking of trying sub that you are switching one opiate for another and it’s eventual withdrawal will suck just as well too. And PLEASE-if you are near the end of the physical w/d- don’t turn to Sub, in my opinion it is counter-productive. You will have lingering “mental, ie:derision, anxiety” withdrawal symptoms, but that’s where a support group, excercise, the suggestions on this site for vitamin and mineral supplements come into play. Larry: I think this site is great and helpful, I see no issue with you selling the info you put together. I hope you don’t take any offense. And I realize that I in fact used subutex for a year, liked it alot, and was able to work a program and build my support system and learn about addiction and recovery while gaining strength to quit the opiates for good. In that vein, sub has saved my life. But I wanted to make it very clear to those that are looking for a way out from the pain of withdrawal- that their isn’t one. Sub is an opiate, you will only prolong the inevitable. Use responsibly 🙂
    I wish you all the very best of luck!! We all can handle anything for a week right?! (that’s been my mantra for the week!!)
    God Bless and may you all be happy, joyous and free from addiction.

    1. Larry C. says:

      take offense? hahahaha, hardly. I was one sub for the first nine months of my re-entry into NA. I needed it to help me get my head back. It really saved my life, the subs and NA. but the subs helped me get to place where I didn’t “need” the other opiates. When I did get off tho, it was a muther fucker of a withdrawal, 30 days straight. Half life is a bitch. I didn’t have any craving though for an opiate when I was coming off it and have never had a craving since. for that I am grateful. For that it was worth the 30 days. I blew 13 years when I did my first detox from opiates, being an ex tweeker I didn’t know what I was in for when I started detoxing and drank my way through it, only to go back on the opiates a few months later. My second time trying to get off them was harder still but I went the sub route and it really helped me get my head in a place that I could get to a place where I was ready to get off.
      Awesome comment, thank you so much …
      Keep Coming back…It works…

  16. Phil says:

    Hello Larry,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    By “offer” I mean the sale of the information you advertised. Everything you said OS true, and I can no longer live my life this way. I am desperate to get better and get control of my life. I am not close to being the same person ever since I became addicted to painkillers following a herniated disc (which was beyond painful).

    Okay, I am going to trust you and order the information. I am hurting and I need to return to my life-my life without painkillers. I’m assuming your information is delivery online, yes? If that’s the case,, how would I ne able to use the discount drug cards?

    Thank you very much,


    1. Larry C. says:

      The discount cards are in the resources section at the end of the guide. They are printable cards that give you discounts on your medications if you have no insurance. Yes it is delivered electronically instantly.

  17. Phil says:


    I am so happy I came across this site. I am in a BAD way right now and if I don’t address my addition to painkillers right now, I could lose everything I hold dear to me, including my life.

    I want to know if this is real, if this offer still stands, and if the information is updated because I need help NOW!!!! How quickly cqn I get in to see a Dr. and begin treatment-can it happen the same day?? I don’t have time to waste and can’t afford to get an appointment weeks, or even days from now.

    Thank you,


    1. Larry C. says:

      What Offers do you speak of?
      Is this real? how real is your addiction? Does it hurt when you run out and crave more? do you do just about anything to get more when you get low or run out? Do you worry when you get low and wonder where your next fix is coming from? Do you never leave home without it? Does it consume your every waking thought?
      If so, then yes, it’s real.
      You could probably get a doctors appointment tomorrow. I got mine in less than a day, saw the doctor the same day as I called him.
      It’s all there, and the Free Drug Discount cards are still there too.
      Small price to pay to have all the info compiled in one place, ready for you to act.
      Your call…
      Let us know how you’re doing should you decide to kick…

  18. laura says:

    Went to the doctor today about my problem with pain killers and he gave me a scrip for more!!!! Said was unable to help. I live in a small town with no help!!

    1. Larry C. says:

      If you get the eBook you can find a doctor that will help you and it tells you all the important questions to ask, so there are no hidden charges if you want to go the suboxone route. or you can go cold turkey and do the herbal route which works better for some than others. Either way, you going to go through some discomfort with withdrawal. but it can be done and it won’t kill you…

  19. mumbles says:

    it’s just the way i roll……no hard feelings ya?

    1. Larry C. says:

      None taken…Party on Garth…

  20. mumbles says:

    p.s. larry thanks…

  21. mumbles says:

    Listen people, The guy is trying to help by offering a service, If he was truly addicted to pain killers and kicked the habit and is honestly trying to help and not just profit off people’s disease’s…
    and own ”self pleasing” addiction’s that ruin live’s, then he is good…..
    I myself having dealt with addiction in the past have thought of putting my years of knowledge to use and helping other’s deal with addiction. i have beat my demon’s full on many time’s as i have a addictive personality!
    suboxone can help some people, as can methadone, but its a temporary cover, that masks your problem, if you want to quit using then you can with my free guide to stop using drugs…’s called quitting, think about life before you used drugs, you were happier ya? you can and will quit drugs if you want too….you have the power to say yes or no….we were not designed to be addicted to anything except love, happiness, and joy, you can quit as i have, after 6 years of daily opiate usage
    i feel anything is possible! i dont feel trapped within myself, or depressed, or regret for my past because i now understand addiction after dealing with it… of all my advice is free, and it’s all written in this post, how long do you want to be trapped within the walls of your own addiction? the key is you, you are worth it to be true to yourself….i honestly feel more uplifted and energetic then when i was popping 6-100mg’s of pure morphine daily not some weak ass vicodin’s…and i walked away with my life and a better understanding of life, and best of all i can feel emotion again……..people you are worth your best, be true to yourself and fight through your demon’s….everyone from the dealers to the doctors just want to keep you down and weak….they dont know shit!! you can do whatever it is you want to really do… if you want to stop and be free you will……….the human mind is a very powerful tool, if you use it as designed, be free and be well…….

  22. cheryl says:

    i know suboxen is as bad as the drugs ppl trying to get off of ,i know one poor guy he was on suboxen for 3 daughters have been addicated to it .it isnt a good thing to help ppl my opionon

  23. megan says:

    Hi..I am in same boat as everyone else..but I went to a dr that said they were certified for sub treatment and when I got there found out she isn’t!so she talked to me and told me there is a dr there that does..but she basically told me to just go to counceling and take anti depressant and just deal with it basically!she was no help.I feel like trying to make an appointment with the dr she said does prescribe it but scared that will look like dr shopping for it is the same office!is it ok for me to try going to him?don’t know what to do?don’t want to look bad but need help?any advice?I tried calling all dr on sub list and none of them are going to work for me besides him?anyone please help

    1. Larry C. says:

      You would not be doctor shopping like looking for more meds. you will be looking for a doctor to help you. which is ok. just be honest with them, you want to get off, you would like suboxone therapy, and need to find someone who can help you.
      I also suggest my ebook, so you can be prepared when you go in there, what to look for, the answers and questions to ask.
      It;’s only 14$ and will save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars on your meds and treatment.
      Good luck.

  24. Shereen says:

    I have been using for about 2 years. I went in to get help, and was in the hospital for 5 days(on suboxone) now that i am home i have stopped the suboxone and i feel like crap. how long am i going to feel like this. its not as bad as week one. but its still bad enought for me to sit and ask whhyyy me. i feel like crap.. how much longer? i want to see the light at the end of the tunnel.i want to get through this :/

    1. Larry C. says:

      There is light at the end of the tunnel and it isn’t a train. This means you have the worst part over with and you don’t have to do it again. Suboxone is different for everyone. some people come off it quickly, some people it takes a week or two, sometimes three because of the half life. Just stick it out and you will never have to do this again. unless you want to.

  25. Justin Black says:

    I have detoxed, from morphine and fentanyl, been clean for almost 2 weeks. I still feel some withdraw symptoms. Ive been to many treatment centers before and all of them have recommended suboxone. So I thought I should give it a try. I go to school full time and some days it is almost impossible to get out of bed, fighting the urge to use again, feeling like nothing will end this. My life is consumed by the anxiety and urge to use. If I call a doctor on the suboxone site will they turn me down because I have already detoxed and am close to the end of the physical withdraws? What should I tell them when I call their office? Please help, thank you.

    1. Larry C. says:

      I would tell them exactly what you just told me. I was already one week into detox when I was put on Suboxone, and it turned my life around, no more anxiety and urge to use, depression went away, it was a life saver. Call a doctor on the suboxone line, and if they turn you down, call another one, until you get one that says yes, but I doubt seriously that you will get a denial, they are all there to help you.
      I highly suggest getting my report, to ask all the right questions and get the coupons if you don’t have insurance. it will save you tons of money.
      Keep me posted.

  26. prabha says:

    i find this article quite intersting … pls help me .actually 3 yers back i got severe freqent headaches.. i thoiught its migraine pain.i showed to many neurologists .but it didnt help me much.what i was left with just mere addiction of painkillers. i am taking painkiller for headache 2 times a day daily..and this is happening with me since a year .. i m quite fed up of all this .sometimes t think to get rid out of my life by finishing it..but i want to live life and enjoy dis beautiful world. pls help me to get out of my addiction

  27. Jo Lynn says:

    Hi i been on any kind of pain killers for 9 months now but not for no pain just because i wanted to take one and now its 9 months later an im addicted to them an i dont want to be but im so scared of the withdrawls please help me..

    1. Larry C. says:

      Rather than re-type my whole story and the way I did it, you can either read “The Solution” on here or you can buy my eBook. It give you valuable discounts and coupons on Suboxone.

  28. roxi56 says:

    I agree with amanda..its sad to see that someone would exploit people and take advatage of them bc of their desperate need for help..if you truly wanted to help people you could just post all of ur info on this site for free…or maybe even just a dollar or two just to cover the cost of hosting ur site

    1. Larry C. says:

      Hi Roxi, actually the little amount of money for the report that I: 1) researched, 2) put time into to put together, 3) host on my own website, barely covers the cost of hosting. I don’t feel like I am exploiting anyone, in fact I feel I am helping people, I receive thank you emails from people who have bought the report. They thank me for the help I have given them, and the help for getting off of painkillers.
      I wished there were something like this out there for me when I was kicking and wanting to get through it. The fact is there wasn’t. which is why I put this together for people like myself, who want to get off pain killers.
      The report gives much information on how to receive the help they need, without feeling embarrassed, or put down. to find the doctors certified for the help they need and the medication they need to get off the painkillers without pain. To find programs to help with costs of the medication and therapy. There are also links to free drug cards in the report, to get the medication at a very low discounted rate. It also tells what questions to ask the doctors so there are no unforeseen hidden costs, which can amount to hundreds or thousands of dollars in costs.
      For the cost of the report, at this moment $14.97, they save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, from the insider info I give in the report. That alone is help, not exploitation.
      I’m sorry you feel the way you do, maybe you can find the help you need somewhere else and feel ok paying much more than you need too.

      Have a great day!

  29. Juanita Thomas says:

    I don’t have any insurned I’m tried of taking these pain killer I’m loosing weight because I don’t eat while taking them please help me. I live in Meridian Ms. I;m unemployed at the moment. please help

  30. Amanda says:

    This must all be a joke to you..
    We need help finding less expensive ways.. any your selling your own product trying to make money just like the doctors you just spoke about.
    I mean you couldnt even answer the ladies question about her beloved son without trying to sell your damn product..
    I cant believe how big of a conspiracy this was

    1. Larry C. says:

      Hi Amanda, I did in fact answer her question, in an email as well. There is no conspiracy here. I have documented all the ways to get discounts on the medication in my report. The report is only $9.97 and has coupons in there that will save you Hundreds of Dollars.
      Yes I am Selling my information, why? because it took me days, no it took me weeks to gather this information, which I used myself to detox from Painkillers and successfully get off of and stay off. And it is worth it’s weight in GOLD.
      I took all that information and compiled it into a report for people to use and with all the coupons and many other facts in it, that will save people hundreds if not thousands of dollars. It is well worth the $9.97 for the report.

      It is a value that people have emailed me to thank me for time and again.

      It’s OK if you think it’s a conspiracy, the people that have it know it’s for real and have gotten their $9.97 back with the purchase of their first discounted prescription, and their savings on the doctors from knowing what questions to ask.

      Have a better day.
      Larry C.

  31. Hydrocodone666 says:

    I have been taking 10 mg hydrocodone with about 10 to12 sometimes for about 6-12. Due to knee surgery and chronic migraines. Last one i took was on sun. So today is fij. All i can do is sleep. I am costantly cold. Been taking sleeping pills so i can sleep at nightXanax I know i cant afford the burmorphine. Any suggesting that might ease the withdrawal systems. I am always sluggish and when i walk i am off balance. Almost to the point of vertigo. It seems i am always out of breath. Just needing some info.

    1. Larry C. says:

      HI Natalie, You CAN Afford the Buprenorphine if you knew where to get the coupons from. It’s all in the Pain Killer report. If you get the report you could save yourself lots of frustration, get help for the withdrawal, and get free drug coupons. It’s worth the $9.97 to get the help you could use for what you are going through right now. Trust me I’ve been there wrecked that!!!

  32. Sandy Bryant says:

    My son starting taking Percocet/Oxycondone approximately four yrs ago for chonic headaches and neck pain. Since we have tried numerous doctors, chiropractors, acupuncture, physical therapy, had his wisdom teeth removed, cortisone shots, and even alternative medicine. We did this and a lot more trying to help my son gain back part of his life. My son does know that he has a problem with the pills, but is also very afraid of the pain he will be in without them. It is very hard to watch him suffer even though I know that he now takes way too much.(buys them on the street after his presciption runs out) Besides that he takes hand fulls of Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Part of this is due to the fact that the pain pills have killed his natural pain defense. (I believe) Any ideas? How would the Buprenorphine work for him? We have nearly given up hope.

    1. Larry C. says:

      Sandy, I have been there, and wrecked that. my back was the cause for me getting put on pain killers, then I became addicted to them. What I would suggest is the guide that I sell, it can help you and him immensely. The new drug they use to help people get off of painkillers is buprenorphine, and it is available only through certain doctors, which I go into finding, in the report I sell. As for the pain, he will also go through much more pain when he goes through withdrawal, unless he gets put on the buprenorphine which will take all that withdrawal away. The buprenorphine will help his attitude and demeanor, and get him off the pian killers very quickly. then the issue is to get him treatment for his pain, without the pain killers. That is only masking the symptoms, need to treat the source of the pain. tried chiropractics?

  33. Larry C. says:

    Hey JF, I am glad to hear it’s helped you in your journey to get off the pain killers. Keep me posted how it goes for you, or shoot me an email via my contact form.
    Good Luck,

  34. JF Sebastian says:

    I just wanted to say thanks for putting this out for people to buy. I was searching the internet for ways to get clean and stop the pain I was feeling from detoxing and your report gave me the strength and courage to call a doctor and get help. Thanks to the resources you list in the report I was able to find people who were happy to help me and not treat me like a druggie. It made me feel safe. Thank you very much!

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