Pain Killers: Getting off is hard to do...

How to get off of Painkillers

I just want to thank everyone who has been emailing me and contacting me and giving me good feedback. I also want to thank all of you who have gotten the report and emailed me after you have gotten off off the pain killers, and also given me more good feedback. But I want to tell all of you who have done it, thank YOU for doing it. I means a LOT to me that it’s working so well. I really mean that.

I really was so happy the day I got off of painkillers, so happy I cried. It had been wrecking my life so much and it was a stupid little pill that was controlling my life, and making me miserable. When I had a few months clean it struck me to help others with a report on how to do it and how to make it simple and easy. I had talked to my friends who had kicked without anything or any help at all. They expressed to me how they wished they had something that made it so easy, like it did for me.

It really was that easy to get off of painkillers with the help of buprenorphine. One day I was hooked on vicodin, the next day I was off of them and had a 180 degree shift in attitude and demeanor. It was incredible, easy and it can work for you too.

My report is only $9.97, it will save you Hundreds and hours of time and frustration. what are you waiting for? I mean it seems like a no brainer.

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Scamming Painkillers, It’s a shame.

I was looking at my counter stats the other day and saw a search someone had done: “Scam painkillers”, meaning they wanted to know how to scam doctors for pain killers. I personally haven’t done that but I have at least at one time felt like doing it. In order to feed my habit. Being addicted to painkillers sucks. I know, I’ve been there and wrecked that.

That’s why when I got of finally I wrote the report I sell on this site. I was able to get off and stay off thanks to Suboxone and the help I received from others doing the same thing. If you are addicted to painkillers I would suggest you get my report to help save you hundreds of dollars in expenses and hours of frustration on the net trying to find the easiet way to get off of painkillers. I’ve already done it and I document everything you need to know right there.

Anyway I am off to go eat breakfast and get to work. yes I know it’s a holiday but I love to work. I write for a living now and this is what I do.

have a great, safe and drug free holiday folks.

Larry C.

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Suboxone Costs, Suboxone Treatment Programs and Suboxone Discounts .

I had a person contact me the other day asking me why I didn’t tell her all the costs involved in getting outpatient treatment with buprenorphine. I asked well did you get my report? and she said No. To which I responded well there’s your answer, you didn’t get the report. You may have read how to get it or what the drug is, but you didn’t read the report. So you didn’t get all the tips and ways to get the treatment, without getting charged an arm and a leg.

Just because you know the name of the drug doesn’t mean you will get at a reasonable price, you may not get it at all! You should get my report to read how to insure you DO get it, all the ways to get it at discounted rates, and possibly even for FREE.

there are also questions you need to know to ask a doctor or center BEFORE you sign on the dotted line, otherwise you may be signing a contract that obligates you to paying that high price for treatment. You may also be required to go to additional counseling for the program which can also be costly. There are other alternatives to therapy sessions if they require it, even free ones, but those are in my report as well. Do yourself a favor and get my report, it’s only $9.97, I am sure you will be glad you did.

All of  the doctors you can get buprenorphine treatment from have to have a special certification to be able to use it for opiate abuse treatment, which the DEA control. Once they get that certification they can prescribe it for treatment, but they are limited to only 30 patients at one time, that they can treat, so they may fill up quickly. The trick is finding one of these doctors with space in his/her treatment program.

Because most of the doctors are in private practice they can also charge a premium price for this treatment. Another trick to finding the lowest costing doctor is in my report along with ways for getting the medication at a discounted price or even free.

The report I put together is a ton of resources that you will find helpful to get you teh medication and treatment you want at a fraction of the price it would cost normally. Questions to ask the doctor before signing up to insure there are no other hidden costs, and ways to get the medication at a discount or free. Also if you are required to do counseling there is an alternative you may be able to use that is absolutely free. But again, it’s all in the report, for only $9.97.

Anyway, so to her I had to say, sorry, you should have read the report. 🙁

Larry C.

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Supplements to help withdrawal, or post acute withdrawal syndrome

I’ve made an Updated Post for: The Thomas Recipe Alternative: Larry’s Recipe for Opiate Withdrawal, Please refer to this for a complete list of supplements to help you get off Painkillers.

I use a supplement that I accidentally stumbled upon when I was looking to get off of painkillers a while back. It’s not too expensive and it have several qualities about it that I really like and still take it for and it’s called 5-HTP.  5-htp, otherwise known as 5-Hydroxytryptophan, is a precursor to serotonin, and is used as an antidepressant, appetite suppressant, and sleep aid.

While researching things in regard to opiate withdrawal it is one of the things that I took to help improve my mood and relieve pain from the withdrawal of an opiate. I have since kept using it as an appetite suppressant to help me lose a little weight, as well as helping me with ongoing improved moods and lessen anxiety

The thought that 5-HTP can cause increase in serotonin levels by causing the brains serotonin making neurons to increase activity in the making of serotonin. Increased serotonin making actiovity leads to increased serotonin release levels which then causes an improved mood. It is also said to help with anxiety, tension and appetite.

Some health care professionals say that a usual dose of about 50mg is right and doesages of 100mg+ is considered high. The higher dosages have also had some side effect that should be looked at. Before taking 5-htp consult a physician about it and your health to see  if it is a supplement you should take.

5-htp can be ordered at Amazon to be delivered to your doorstep here:

Their both good, I have my bottle of the Natrol right here next to me.

Anyway, hope that helps…

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Pain Killers and The Brain

When talking to people who are not addicts or addicted to pain killers, I always find a recurring theme in that they do not understand the nature of addiction or addiction to pain killers or opiates as a whole. Opiates are a derivative of opium and  Opioids are synthetic opiates, or man made opiates. Many arguements have been started on which is more addictive but the fact remains they are both highly addictive and hard to get off and stay off of. There is just so much a person who has never been addicted to opiates just doesn’t understand because they DO NOT know the feeling, and believe me, opiate addiction is definitely a Feeling. When you such an intense gnawing little voice of fear, pain and need pulling at your whole being, it’s hard to say no. what I am talking about is opiate withdrawal. The clinical description of this would be something like this:

  • Physical pain and discomfort caused by withdrawal symptoms
  • Increasing anxiety due to powerful, unsatisfied opioid cravings
  • Stress resulting from the brain’s fear that the current lack of opioids presents a threat to its survival

    and symptoms look like this (to put it mildly):

  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Tremors
  • Muscle aches
  • Hot and cold flashes
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • This is just the initial withdrawal from painkillers, we’re not talking about the post acute withdrawal period in which “post acute withdrawal syndrome” (PAWS) can occur. After the initial withdrawal or detox, then you have residual detox and the brain trying to function normally, but it just can’t. At least not yet, and it can take months or years for a persons brain chemistry to get back to normal. It is this period of time that can be the most difficultfor many to STAY OFF of the drugs, because it is here where the nagging and gnawing little voices start talking. I am not talking hallucinations, but I am talking depression and anxiety and the want to just be happy again. What happenes when a person is addicted to pain killers is their brain stops making endorphins, the bodys natural pain killers and the thing that keeps us from getting depressed. When a person starts taking pain meds for an extended length of time, their brain stops making endorphins because opiates look just like endorphins to the brain and the brain stops making them.  After so long the brain can’t make them and the pain killer is not depended upon for endorphins or the imitation endorphins. Clinically the opiate dependance is spelled out like this:

    “Opiate addiction is recognized as a central nervous system disorder caused by continuous opiate use. Extended opiate abuse leads to the nerve cells in the brain to stop functioning as they normally would and stop producing natural endorphins. Because the body is receiving opiates and is no longer producing endorphins, the nerve cells start to degenerate and cause an opiate addiction.”

    Pain Killer addiction is not somethign to be taken lightly. Remember the old cammercials that said ” Just say No!”, heck if it were that easy we would have just said no. but it just isn’t as easy as that. Opiate dependance is a huge problem in the world and it isn’t going away anytime soon.

    There are now outpatient detox and treatment programs that use a new method of treating pain pill dependance. Part of the initial detox plan is with the use of a new drug that mimics the pain killer chemistry but it:

    • doesn’t get the patient high
    • it allows them to stop using pain pills immediately
    • stops the symptoms of withdrawal such as bone and muscle pain, anxiety, nausea and all the rest..etc.
    • let me just say this again, painless withdrawal from pain pills
    • is easy to get off of once the patient is detoxed off the pain meds
    • is affordable and is outpatient

    which is as we all know much much less expensive than an inpatient treatment, and can be done at home. Another thing about treatment at home, especially with adolescents and teenagers, is it is less stigmaticizing than a big production of going to inpatient treatment and the person is more likely to cooperate with this than the other.

    If you would like more information on this and the treatment  I speak of please sign up for my newsletter. You will recieve a 7 part series on addiction and recovery from pain killers as well as learn about the latest treatment drug and outpatient help.

    Comments (1)

    How I got addicted to Pain Meds…

    I basically had a back injury that I went to the doctor to treat. usually I would go to a chiropractor, but for whatever reason that didn’t get rid of the pain this time. This would be the first time I went to a regular doctor for a back issue. I had an x-ray, an MRI and physical therapy, which really didn’t do anything, but the pain pills I was given helped a lot. So I took them, and kept taking them until I found myself addicted. Once addicted I just couldn’t function without them. I also found that I just could function WITH them either, funny how that works. After several times of trying to get off of them, and failing I just gave in to the thought that I would probably have to live the rest of my life with them.

    And that my friends, is how I got addicted to pain killers.

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